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Topic: Wehoputs 5 M-90 increase pumping time
Wehoputs 5 M-90 increase pumping time
on: 05.11.2023 18:43


Thanks for all valuable information on the Wehoputs in this forum. I am located in Sweden, and have had a Wehoputs 5 since around 2010, and it is working very well.

I am looking for help on how to increse the pumping time for the draining pump, since my infiltration bed is higher than the Wehoputs. Due to the "upwards" pumping the pumping time is a bit short so occationally (1-2 times a year) not enough water is pumped out.

I got an instruction for accessing the pumping time parameter in my Wehoputs 5 (M-90 control) . However I am not able to change the parameter. Does anyone know how to do this?

The instruction says:

1. Press the "i" key

2. Go into "System"

3. Select "MB/MI…"

4. Choose MI

5. Select parameter 9.

This parameter has the value 12, which is the current pumping time, 12minutes.

However, I cannot find a way to change this, is it possible?

Best regards,


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